“ Thanks for cleaning out my dryer vent! It has made a huge difference in the effectiveness of our dryer!” -Tony Neihoff Realtor, Jackson, TN
“ Would highly recommend this company they do a wonderful job!”
- Rick and Kristin Harris Jackson, TN
“Had it done cost was less than I expected air quality has much improved very happy with my results was well worth the cost” - Betty Roark Pinson, TN
” Best carpet cleaners in West Tennessee!” - Debra Tursky Jackson, TN
“Great job on my house. We could tell a big difference after having y'all clean the ductwork. People before had lots of cats and our allergies were terrible after getting house professionally cleaned it still wasn't enough until after y'all cleaned my ductwork . Awesome job and thanks again”
- Brad Lindsey Realtor, Humboldt, TN
“Got to call Josh find out about this. He is so good on cleaning carpets. Ketchum carpet recommends him all the time!!” - Donna Ketchum, Brownsville,TN
“Josh, you guys did an outstanding job on our carpets, especially given their condition. Please feel free to use us a positive refs for your residential business!” - Sally Slack Jackson,TN
“ Thanks Josh for cleaning our carpet Saturday. We are so pleased. I gave your name and number to some of the doctors and nurses I work with” - Amy Hill Jackson, TN
" I have used west tn for years and they are best ever! Even had them cleaned after I was not pleased w stanley steamers job." they did awesome" - Krystal L Spencer Jackson Jackson, TN